Utah Section of AACE® International (Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering)
Upcoming Meetings
Previous Meetings
- Feb: Katie Hull - Construction Claims from a Global Perspective
- March: Chris Carson - Recommended Best Practices Provide Implementation Details for CMAA Standards of Practice
- April: Dan Green - AACE Certification Options
May: Dr Neil Opfer - Benefits & Issues with Drone Applications in Construction
Sept: Lynn Larsen - Optimizing the Resolution of Disputes
Oct: James Arrow - Digitization Strategies for E&C in the era of Industry 4.0
Previous Years:
Our section was created in 2010 and serves Utah area. Our focus this year will be to reach out to more members through virtual monthly meetings and collaboration with other sections. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon, and take a break from meetings during the summer months, June, July and August.
Since 1956, AACE International has been the leading-edge professional society for cost estimators, cost engineers, schedulers project managers, and project control specialists. With over 7,000 members worldwide, AACE International is the largest organization serving the entire spectrum of cost management professionals. AACE International is industry independent, and has members in 80 countries and 80 local sections. We look forward to meeting with you as we share this exciting opportunity in the Utah Section of AACE International.